Friday, July 31, 2015

“Think Like A Kid for Back to School.” You’ll Get it!

Listen to any seven-year-old talk about going back to school and you roll with laughter on how mismatched your thoughts are compared to theirs. Besides bringing great comedic relief to any situation kids are full of wisdom and teach us many valuable lessons. Let the giggles go!

The number one most important subject in school is recess! You would’ve guested reading or writing, but you would be wrong! So most kids believe going to school to play is NUMERO UNO! But they did that all summer! We have to put on our seven year old brain to appreciate that answer and work in a lesson somewhere.

So how do you keep kid’s minds alert when the dreaded homework time comes? One word: COLOR. Get your little one a new colorful desk. This plum purple and vibrant lime green desk will keep any mind enthusiastic.

Even when that “letter from the teacher” comes home, make sitting in the corner seem like a reward not just a punishment. Exciting colored chairs make sitting at the desk more fun. Pick their favorite color and match it up with our Silver Solo Computer desk with pull out tray. Perfect for storing the iPad or iPhone. 

What’s the most important things they want to share with their friends on the first day of school? THEIR NEW BACKPACK. Their pick may express their animal spirit, their favorite movie or favorite color. You can bet this will be the first major conversation of the morning.

Here are two popular ones from

What’s the most important new social engagement that kids want to happen this year. A SLEEPOVER. Who will it be? Will they have someone over or will they go to a friend’s house. If you don’t have bunk beds this may be a good time to get them. The first sleepover at your house can be the bomb!

Thinking like your youngster will help you enjoy Back to School as much as they do.

Flop down in a beanbag seat to see the room from their point of view. Here's a great one at a great price from


  1. Most Important Activity: RECESS 
  2. Most Important Bragging Point: BACKPACK 
  3. #1 Social Activity: SLEEPOVER 
  4. Your Best Purchase for Back to School: COLORFUL DESK