Take Your Mother to Ride on a Zip Line- Fly thru the sky like a bird hundreds of feet above the ground. Okay, I know it sound scary but it will be fun. Zip lines are a marvelous way to reconnect with nature from a different perspective. Go out and experience life from a whole new angle with mom.
Go to http://www.ziplinerider.com where you can search for companies operated by your state or even worldwide.
Take your Mother to Bungee Jump – Bungee Jumping has been around for over 35 years. Hard to believe? Commercial bungee jumping started in New Zealand with those daring Kiwis. It would be quite unusual if she has done this before. So who’s going to go first!
Take your Mother Skydiving –Now here is the ultimate - Skydiving. Scarier than zip line and bungee jumping, this is for a Mom with nerves of steel. The great thing about skydiving today, is that it has gotten much easier for the “first timer”. When mom was your age she would have been required to train to jump either static line or accelerated free fall. Now you two can jump “tandem”. Tandem jumping is where you are attached to an instructor and have shorter and easier training. It does not require the commitment of time and money in case you only want to do it once.
Run or Walk a 5K with your Mother- So here’s a suggestion without all the adrenaline, just a great way to naturally make endorphins with mom. Maybe this year you start a ritual with mom that also helps you and mom stay in shape. You find a local 5K race you can do together in May.
Go to http://runningintheusa.com/Race/ where you can search for upcoming races scheduled in your state.
Now that you’ve worked up a big appetite, get the whole family together for a great dinner. Here's two of our popular dining sets, one for indoor, one for outdoor.