Friday, April 24, 2015

A Mother's Day to Remember

This year we will celebrate Mother’s Day on May 10th with flowers, candy or maybe dinner out. Why not treat Mom to an event she will never forget. Today, moms of any age are as active and as adventurous as most of their children. So, when you offer an unconventional gift like these, don’t be surprised if she asks why did you take so long to “give outside the box.”

Take Your Mother to Ride on a Zip Line- Fly thru the sky like a bird hundreds of feet above the ground. Okay, I know it sound scary but it will be fun. Zip lines are a marvelous way to reconnect with nature from a different perspective. Go out and experience life from a whole new angle with mom.

Go to where you can search for companies operated by your state or even worldwide.

Take your Mother to Bungee Jump – Bungee Jumping has been around for over 35 years. Hard to believe? Commercial bungee jumping started in New Zealand with those daring Kiwis. It would be quite unusual if she has done this before. So who’s going to go first!

Mother and Daughter Bungee Jumping

Go to where you can search for companies operated by your state or even worldwide.

Take your Mother Skydiving –Now here is the ultimate - Skydiving. Scarier than zip line and bungee jumping, this is for a Mom with nerves of steel. The great thing about skydiving today, is that it has gotten much easier for the “first timer”. When mom was your age she would have been required to train to jump either static line or accelerated free fall. Now you two can jump “tandem”. Tandem jumping is where you are attached to an instructor and have shorter and easier training. It does not require the commitment of time and money in case you only want to do it once.

Go to where you can search for companies operated by your state or even worldwide.

Run or Walk a 5K with your Mother- So here’s a suggestion without all the adrenaline, just a great way to naturally make endorphins with mom. Maybe this year you start a ritual with mom that also helps you and mom stay in shape. You find a local 5K race you can do together in May.

Go to where you can search for upcoming races scheduled in your state.

Now that you’ve worked up a big appetite, get the whole family together for a great dinner. Here's two of our popular dining sets, one for indoor, one for outdoor.

Friday, April 10, 2015

Spring Tips and Tasty Ideas

Spring is here! Either the snow is receding or the daffodils are up. Either way winter is going away. Get your home ready for longer days and outdoor entertaining. Here are a few helpful undertakings to put you in the mood.

Rearrange Your Furniture For a No Cost Fresh Look- You do not need to spend a dime to create a new look. Most rooms can be set more than one way. Move the sofa, reposition the sitting chairs turn the focus from the fireplace to the patio. If you can’t move the furniture then switch pictures from room to room.

Seasonal Focal Point Shifts

Plant a Window Sill or Balcony Herb Garden – At the local nursery or home improvement store for $10-20 you can get rosemary, basil, dill or maybe oregano. Clip them regularly for fresh herbs thru spring and summer. Cutting makes them grow.

Great Grill Recipes- Besides the warm weather and more hours of sunshine, outdoor-dining becomes top of mind. Get your grill on! Food Network has some tasty ideas for making you the #1 backyard chef. Use the herbs from your window sill garden.

The Deck has been Under the Weather- Before having your first soirée, most likely your deck can use some TLC? A good scrubbing or fresh paint can lay the stage for great get-togethers. Now is time to knock out this chore, because on the next 70-degree Saturday the gang will descend and you’ll be ready.

Check your Garden Hoses- Hopefully you got these babies drained and uncoupled from their spigots last fall, if not you may have a cracked hose. Check before you need them. You never know when the grill will get away from you. LOL.

Wash Windows and Sliding Door Tracks- You definitely want all the green coming thru. To make sliding doors easy to open and close, try these steps:

1. Scrub track with a wire brush (golf club cleaning brush is perfect)

2. Vacuum loose dirt and wipe clean

3. Spray with a silicone lubricant. Silicone does not attract dirt as oil based lubricant do. We love Blaster  found at most home improvement centers.

Keep the Fireplace Glow- Clean your fireplace and add small dishes of white vinegar (about 2 days) to rid the burned smell. Once it’s clean and fresh, arrange candles at varying heights inside to have that inviting glow without the heat. If you have a gas fireplace just add a candle display in front of the opening and get the same results. Here’s a great one at Amazon.

Rotate and Flip Your Mattresses- This prolongs their life and you’ll sleep better. Spray with Febreze and don’t be “noseblind.”

Change Batteries in Smoke Alarms- These ALWAYS start “chirping” in the middle of the night. That high pitch sound will drive you crazy and let’s face it, you are no good on a ladder at 3AM. If you only do one thing on this list do THIS!

With all the technology improvements in our lives today there still nothing that gives us that extraordinary feeling that spring brings. Get out more often!